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New Princess Bouquet, For that special Gift


Hand-prepared using the finest and freshest purple, pink, and cream stems, this bouquet is perfect for any occasion and brings light into any corner. Your flowers will be hand chosen by the florist to insure the freshest of stems for the ultimate surprise and WOW factor! Our florists may substitute flowers and sundries for a suitable alternative, similar in style, quality, and value depending on availability.

Hand-prepared using the finest and freshest purple, pink, and cream stems, this bouquet is perfect for any occasion and brings light into any corner. Your flowers will be hand chosen by the florist to insure the freshest of stems for the ultimate surprise and WOW factor! Our florists may substitute flowers and sundries for a suitable alternative, similar in style, quality, and value depending on availability bouquet of flowers can make a wonderful gift for a variety of occasions, such as birthdays, anniversaries, or just to show someone you care. Some options for a bouquet might include a mix of colorful blooms, a single type of flower in a variety of shades, or a collection of romantic roses. You could also consider adding other elements to the bouquet, such as chocolates, a stuffed animal, or a balloon, to make the gift even more special. If you are not sure what type of flowers to choose, you can consider the recipient’s favorite colors or types of flowers, or you can ask us for recommendations. You could also consider sending the bouquet in a vase or pot so that it is ready to display upon arrival.



Florist-delivered flowers are available within the UK only. Our florists may substitute flowers and sundries for a suitable alternative, similar in style, quality, and value depending on availability. Seasonal availability of certain individual flowers may vary from those illustrated. Products ordered do not include a vase, flower basket, or container unless otherwise stated. Any requested delivery time is not guaranteed.

New Princess Bouquet


Grand, Large, Standard, Superior


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